Then the phone call came.
A phone call from the place that said that they no longer needed or wanted our service, thank you very much. Now there was a crisis, and we had to fix it. Now.
Two hours later, I was angry, frustrated and irritable. All in all, I had one nerve left, and someone’s foot was poised to step on it.
Can you relate yet?
See, we had planned a family day at one of the local theme parks, and now we were two hours late. Then everyone decided that we should probably stop to eat lunch, which put us behind even more. This was not turning out the way I had planned or pictured it.
Fast forward several hours, a couple of shows and a roller coaster ride later. We were walking back to our car, arm in arm, laughing about our unpredictable Florida weather. What made such a huge difference?
I decided to have fun. I decided to enjoy the beautiful weather, the incredible scenery, and the sound of my children’s laughter. I decided to enjoy this day I had been given and not allow the enemy to steal one more moment of it from me. I decided to experience God’s one of God’s most precious gifts: joy.
I believe God gets a real kick out of seeing us have fun together. He wants us to laugh. He wants us to stop and notice His beauty all around us, and be thankful.
“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” (Prov. 17:22) Better than any pill I could have taken, I needed to decide to be happy in the moment, and allow my heart to be cheerful. Did you notice that I keep saying “decide”? I never said that I felt that way—especially at first. But I know that it is a decision to be happy, or to be grumpy. We each decide every day how to respond to what life throws at us.
So, girlfriend, how will you decide to react today? Sometimes we have to decide to be cheerful long before the feelings catch up. But hold on! They will get there too.
In pursuit of zoe,

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